The Phrase "it Ain't Over Till It's Over" Applies as Much to Mediation as Baseball

Yogi Berra, Hall of Fame Yankee catcher, was as famous for his quotes as his prowess behind the plate.
“It ain't over till it's over” is one of my favourites and it applies well to mediation. 
As a mediator, I’m often faced with challenging disputes and moments when the prospects for resolution appear bleak, but I always believe that as long as the parties are talking there are pathways to middle ground.
It’s easy to believe that parties that are far apart will stay that way. A good mediator can change that dynamic.
Preparation, patience, creativity, empathy, open-mindedness and persistence are qualities that come in handy for the skilled mediator. 
In a recent engagement, I was reminded of how an effective mediation process can bring groups together even in the face of slim odds. 
It was a difficult employment-related dispute involving multiple issues but, in the end, the parties reached a settlement.
One of the rewards for doing a good job was an email from one of the lawyers involved. 
Mediation doesn't result in resolution in every situation.
But, good mediators are determined to uncover ways to add value and, hopefully, bring the parties to resolution. 
How do you bring resolution to sticky situations?


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