Your Privacy

We recognize the significance of protecting information about identifiable individuals (personal information), and have made protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information a fundamental component of the way we do business. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, to maintain data security, and to ensure that we correctly use the information we collect online.

This privacy policy informs you of the ways we ensure your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information.

Consistent with the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), our privacy policy consists of five key principles:

1. Collecting and Using Information

When we collect personal information we do so to better address our clients' needs and to promote our dispute resolution services.

Unless permitted by law, either before or when we collect personal information, we will obtain your consent and explain how we intend to use the personal information.

We will limit the collection of personal information to what we need for the purposes for which we collected the information, and we will use the information only for those purposes.

2. Releasing Information

We do not sell any information about our clients or other individuals about whom we have obtained personal or other information.

We only disclose personal information to others when one of the following conditions is met:

• we have consent
• the other person is our supplier or agent who, on a confidential basis, assists us in representing our clients or promoting our
   dispute resolution services
• we are required or permitted to do so by law

3. Protecting Information

Safeguards and Security Measures

We protect personal information with appropriate physical, technological and organizational safeguards and security measures.

We audit our safeguards and security measures regularly to ensure they are being properly administered and remain effective and appropriate.

Every member of Morrow Mediation has been trained on and is committed to our privacy policy and to upholding its principles.


The length of time we retain personal information will vary depending on the purpose for which it was collected and used. This period may extend beyond the end of the particular relationship with us but only for so long as it is legally necessary for us to have sufficient information to respond to any issue that may arise at a later date. As a general rule, personal information will not be retained beyond one year after its last use.

When personal information is no longer needed we have procedures to either destroy, delete, erase or convert it to an anonymous form.

When we provide personal information in response to a legal inquiry or order, we first ensure that the order is valid and disclose only the personal information that is legally required.


When visiting our website, the IP address used to access the site will be logged along with the dates and times of access. This information is used purely to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movement and gather broad demographic information for internal use. Any recorded IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.

In addition, at some of our website pages, you may be invited to consent to provide personal information to us. The types of personal information that we may collect at these pages include: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, credit card information, and information about your interests in and use of various products, programs, and services. We use the information you provide about yourself to fulfill your requests for our products, programs, and services, to respond to your inquiries about our offerings, to invite you to subscribe to or participate in one of our services such as an online newsletter or online forum or community, and to offer you other products, programs or services that we believe may be of interest to you.

If you choose to submit content for publication (e.g., a "letter to the editor", "blog post" or "comments"), we may publish your screen name and other information you provide to us through our website. We post this information to improve the design and content of our site and to enable us to personalize your Internet experience. We also may use this information in the aggregate to analyze site usage, as well as to offer you products, programs, or services.

We do not employ the technology called "cookies" on our website. That is, we do not collect personal information and information generated through the use of our website.

Our website may provide links to other websites. Morrow Mediation is not responsible for how other parties, through the operation of these other web sites, collect, use or disclose personal information. The use and/or privacy protection provided by the operator of a linked site is in no way subject to the terms of this privacy policy. For example, operators of linked web sites may collect personal information and information generated through the use of "cookies" when linked to their web sites.

It is important that visitors to linked websites investigate and review the privacy policies of these websites before accessing them and/or providing personal information through them.

The inclusion of any link in the Morrow Mediation website to other websites does not include our endorsement of the linked site and is provided strictly for informational purposes to be accessed at the visitor's own risk. Morrow Mediation does not control the links or these other web sites and is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site.

4. Providing Information Access and Accuracy

Individuals who request access to their personal information will be given access to it, subject to the requirements of the law.

If we are not able to provide access to personal information we have about you, we will explain the reason why. For example, we may not be able to provide personal information from files that contain references to other individuals, are the subject of legal privilege, contain confidential information proprietary to Morrow Mediation, relate to an investigation of a breach of agreement or law, or cannot be disclosed for other legal reasons.

We will make every reasonable effort to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date.

5. Respecting and Responding to Privacy Concerns

Morrow Mediation is committed to service of the highest quality. If an individual has a question or concern about privacy, would like to request access to personal information our firm has about them, or believes that personal information we have is inaccurate or out-of-date, please contact our office. Individuals may also request that personal information, if any, be removed from our mailing list at any time by contacting us. For all questions or concerns, please contact us at

Changes to Privacy Policy

Morrow Mediation reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time by posting a new privacy policy at this location. By using this website, you agree to the firm's privacy policy. Please visit this site often to see if changes have been made. If we post changes and you continue to use the site, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes. Any change to this privacy policy will be in compliance with applicable privacy laws.