The Secret to Negotiating Better Deals


I'm a strong advocate of interest based negotiation (IBN).  I use IBN techniques when I negotiate and model them when I mediate.  However, a short blog by Michael Hyatt has got me thinking a bit about other, perhaps counter intuitive, approaches that negotatiators can use to gain a psychological advantage over a negotiating partner. 

The thought from his piece that really got me thinking is: "He who needs the other person the least is in control of the relationship." 

Interesting comment.  While it sounds somewhat sinister, upon reflection, I find it reinforces the importance of thougtful preparation for a negotiation - develop your options, leverage your BATNA and be patient. 

Have a read.  I welcome your comments.  


How to Be Better Prepared for Conflict


Upcoming OBA-ADR Section Program - Alternative Dispute Resolution: Failed Mediation